Explore the ecosystems of the mighty Maribyrnong River

Published on 15 April 2021


The mighty Maribyrnong River is Melbourne’s second largest river, starting on the slopes of Mt Macedon and ending right here in the west at Yarraville.

To celebrate the river and its amazing inhabitants, Council, in collaboration with TV Zoologist Chris Humfrey, have developed the ‘Biodiversity Workshop Series’. The six-part series shares information on the various species and ecosystems that exist and what we can do to preserve and enjoy our amazing river. 

Each video focuses on a specific aspect of the Maribyrnong River, outlining some of the native animals and plants that call the area home, and highlighting some simple actions that we can all take to preserve its environment and ecosystems.

Video one: Plastics

This video investigates the impact of plastic pollution on our local waterways, and how plastic waste impacts our native animals and ecosystems. Featuring some of our local animals, the video focuses on some of the key plastic items that find their way into the river and steps we can take to stop this plastic from polluting our waterways, like avoiding single use plastic items and choosing to reuse instead.

This video also supports the goals of Council’s Towards Zero Waste Strategy, which outlines commitments to reducing waste to reach a target of zero waste to landfill by 2040.

Plastics video and pop quiz

 Video two: Trees

This video explores and celebrates some of the amazing trees along the Maribyrnong River and discusses the role they play in our environment. It shows the critical role of trees, from helping to provide habitat for local flora and fauna to providing beauty and shade, and cooling our environment and climate.

This video also supports a number of Council policies, including our Urban Forest Strategy, which outlines our approach to managing trees in our municipality, and our Climate Emergency Strategy, which outlines our approach to repairing and protecting our climate and biodiversity.

Trees video and pop quiz

Video three: Frogs 

This video is full of fun information on the surprising diversity of native frog species who call the City of Maribyrnong home. It celebrates the vital role frogs play in the health of local waterways and wetlands, and includes some handy tips to implement in our own backyards to help frogs – like creating patches of habitat so they can move through our city safely.

This video also supports Council’s ongoing collaboration in the My Smart Garden Program, a free program designed to help communities grow food, prepare for a changing climate, create homes for local wildlife, use water wisely, and recycle waste. It also supports Melbourne Water’s Frog Census, a fun and interactive way for communities to learn how to become a local frog monitor!

Frogs video and pop quiz

Download the pop quiz here(DOCX, 175KB)

Video four: Biodiversity

This video explores the rich biodiversity that exists along the Maribyrnong River and supports the goals of the International Day of Biological Diversity and Australia’s National Threatened Species Day. It takes a fun look at the role of animals in our environment and the small things we can all do to help protect them and take urgent action to respond to  the climate and biodiversity emergency.

This video also supports Council’s Climate Emergency Strategy.

Biodiversity video and pop quiz

Download the pop quiz here(DOCX, 121KB)

Video five: Water Birds 

This video celebrates the hundreds of amazing native and migratory water bird species that call the Maribyrnong River home. Some of these migratory birds travel from as far away as Japan, China and Korea! Water Birds provides a deeper insight into these species, why they call the Maribyrnong River home, and how we can all support and protect them.

Water Birds video and pop quiz

Video six: River Biodiversity

The final video of the series looks at the biodiversity of our river and emphasises the variety of local animals that call the Maribyrnong River home, and the important role they play in its ecosystem. It features some great local animals, sharing information on why they live around our river, the conditions that allow them to thrive, and important reminders about the actions we can all take to help protect local species and respond to the climate and biodiversity emergency.

This video also supports Council’s Climate Emergency Strategy.

River Biodiversity video and pop quiz

The namesake of our municipality, the Maribyrnong River, is located on the land of the Kulin Nation and provides vital habitat for thousands of local plants, animal and bird species. In this time of a climate and biodiversity emergency, it is more important than ever to understand the role of the Maribyrnong River and preserve it for future generations to come.

There are also downloadable pop quizzes to test your knowledge about the information you learnt in the videos.

Message from the Mayor, Cr Michael Clarke

The Maribyrnong River is not only a vital waterway in the West, it is also a valuable community asset and an ecological hive of activity we are privileged to have flowing through our very own backyard.

We're lucky to have such a significant asset on our doorstep, and this video series is a great way to learn more about this mighty river and the surrounding environment and what we can all do to protect it for future generations to come.

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