Planning Scheme Amendment C108 - MEIDS

Our City has a dynamic local economy and unique character. We are striving to be a leader in urban economic transition and renewal, embracing our traditional industrial past whilst delivering vibrant and successful urban places and meaningful employment.

Maribyrnong City Council has developed a plan, the Maribyrnong Economic and Industrial Development Strategy (2011) to guide sustainable economic and industrial development in the City.

The plan was developed in two parts, Part 1: Economic Development Strategy (2011) (PDF 4.1mb)(PDF, 4MB) and Part 2: Industrial Land Strategy (2011) (PDF 6.3mb)(PDF, 6MB). Part 1: Economic Development Strategy (2011) was endorsed by Council at its Ordinary Council Meeting on 18 October 2011. Part 2: Industrial Land Strategy was endorsed by Council at its City Development Special Committee Meeting on 24 June 2014(PDF, 1MB).

The plan is supported by proposed changes to the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme called Amendment C108. Also forming part of Amendment C108 is the Framework Plan for Maidstone Hampstead Road, which was developed in 2014.

Amendment C108 was publicly exhibited from 26 February to 31 March 2015. All affected land owners and occupiers were notified of the amendment and provided with an opportunity to have their say on the proposed changes to the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme. A total of 33 submissions were received.

An independent planning panel hearing was held from 20 – 22 July 2015. The role of the panel was to review the amendment and consider all submissions. The panel's report(PDF, 1MB) is available.

Approved by Minister for Planning

On 27 September 2016, the Minister for Planning approved Amendment C108 with minor changes to Clause 21.03-3 (reworded to remove application requirements) and inconsequential changes to various clauses to improve clarify and correct errors. The Amendment came into effect on 10 November 2016 when the notice of approval was published in the Government Gazette.

Council resolved on 17 November 2015 to adopt Amendment C108 and reference documents Maribyrnong Economic and Industrial Development Strategy (MEIDS) (Part 1 Economic Development Strategy and Part 2 Industrial Land Strategy) (October 2011), and Maidstone Hampstead Road East Framework Plan (November 2015).(PDF, 11MB)

The Council report and amendment documents were considered at the Ordinary meeting held on 17 November 2015.  In accordance with statutory requirements, the amendment has now been submitted to the Minister for Planning for final approval.

Amendment C108: What are the proposed changes to the Planning Scheme?

The proposed planning scheme changes ensure the recommendations of the Maribyrnong Economic and Industrial Development Strategy (2011), and associated Maidstone Hampstead Road East Framework Plan (2014) are achieved. These changes will ensure appropriate consideration of the plan by decision makers. Read a summary of the proposed changes(PDF, 177KB) .

Reclassification of Industrial Related Employment Land

Through Maribyrnong Economic Industrial Development Strategy and Amendment C108 process 10 key precincts across the municipality have been identified. Each of the precincts face different constraints and opportunities and some require further strategic work, in the form of a Framework Plan to identify the most appropriate use and development of each precinct into the future. Several precincts have existing Framework Plans and other precincts will develop them in the near future.

New terminology was developed to highlight the importance of a range of employment activities (such as office, warehouses/ business parks) rather than just traditional industrial activity.

Core Employment Areas (CEAs) are considered to be highly suitable for employment, functioning relatively efficiently and where the employment role is to be protected and enhanced.

Core Employment Areas are identified from the stock of Industrial Related Employment Land (IREL) at the precinct level, or are identified in a framework/structure planning process following interim designation as a Strategic Employment Investigation Areas (SEIA). Underutilised industrial premises in CEAs should not be considered obsolete, but be regarded as needing adaption or modification in any initial consideration.

Strategic Employment Investigation Areas (SEIAs) are considered to be suitable for employment until such time as further investigation clearly demonstrates that this is not a viable option.

SEIAs are identified from the stock of Industrial Related Employment Land (IREL) determined to require investigation through a framework/structure planning process, because there are significant limitations or issues relating to their continued employment role. Through the framework planning process Strategic Employment Investigation Areas either get reclassified as Core Employment Areas to intensify their employment role or Strategic Redevelopment Sitesenabling transition to alternative uses such as mixed use and residential.

Strategic Redevelopment Sites (SRSs) are determined after investigation not to have a future in which employment is the primary purpose. SRSs are identified from the stock of Industrial Related Employment Land (IREL) at the precinct level by means of a framework/structure planning process.

More Information

A printed copy of all Amendment C108 materials can also be viewed in person at the Council Offices.

For more information contact:
City Strategy
(03) 9688 0200
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