Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan

Municipal Public Health Plan

Council plays a vital role as leader, partner, advocate and planner in protecting and promoting health, now and into the future.

Under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008, we are required to prepare a Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan every four years or include public health and wellbeing matters in the Council Plan.

Wellbeing commitment

Council is committed to promoting and protecting the wellbeing of our community across all life stages. We will achieve this through working to create and improve the physical, social, natural, cultural and economic environments that promote health and wellbeing.

2021-2025 Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan

For a fourth time, Council has included health and wellbeing matters in the Council Plan 2021-25.

Health and wellbeing outcome areas for 2021-25 are:

Healthy and active

A healthy and active Maribyrnong fosters opportunities for all who live, work, play and learn in the City to achieve positive physical, mental and social wellbeing. It is connected, vibrant and safe, and enables active transport and formal and informal accessible opportunities for creativity,  recreation and physical activity. We will provide opportunities for everyone to achieve positive physical, mental and social wellbeing.

Fair and inclusive

A fair and inclusive Maribyrnong is welcoming and celebrates culture and diversity, and recognises the disparity in health and social wellbeing outcomes and our role in addressing the root causes of inequity. We recognise health as a human right, and our role in protecting and promoting this. It also builds on the strengths and assets of our community through collaboration, respect and partnership.

Green and sustainable

A green and sustainable Maribyrnong is actively tackling the health impacts of the climate emergency, through greening spaces, improving air quality and working with communities to adapt to climate issues, partnering and advocating to reduce future and existing greenhouse gas emissions. It is also clean and protects and preserves the natural environment for now and future generations.

Click image below to enlargeHealth and Wellbeng Plan.png

2021-2025 Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan

To inform the development of the 2021-2025 health and wellbeing planning, Council:


Council cannot achieve change on its own. Council will work alongside a wide range of partners who deliver positive health and wellbeing outcomes for our community.

These include Victorian Department of Health and Human Services and other government departments, Health West Primary Care Partnership, cohealth, Women’s Health West, North West Melbourne Primary Health Network, Victoria Police, health and community service providers, local community organisations and groups, businesses, education and early childhood settings, state-wide/peak bodies and other councils.


For more information email or call 9688 0200.

For immediate concerns or requests regarding support for your health and wellbeing please get in touch with our Community Connectors by calling 9688 0434 (available Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm)