Biodiversity Workshop Series

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Council is proud to present a series of online Biodiversity Workshops which have been created in collaboration with Wild Action, an environmental activation organisation led by TV Zoologist, Chris Humphrey.

The six-part series highlights our gorgeous Maribyrnong River as a wonderful environmental resource in our municipality, and some of the easy steps everyone can take to protect it.

There are also downloadable pop quizzes to test your knowledge about the information you learnt in the videos.


This clip focuses on plastic and supports Plastic Free July and the elimination of single-use plastic.

It focuses on avoiding and reducing waste, with a particular emphasis on plastic and the interaction with animals and our waterways and sends a strong message to remind people to avoid the big four plastic litter items: bottles, bags, cups and straws – all single use plastics that can easily be avoided.


This clip focuses on trees and supports National Tree Day on Sunday 2 August 2020.

It emphasises the role of trees to reduce carbon in our atmosphere, to provide habitat and their relationship with living creatures. It also supports a number of Council policies and also our climate emergency acknowledgement.


This clip focuses on frogs.

This clip gives insight into the many native frog species within the City of Maribyrnong and important role they play in the health of local waterways.


This clip focuses on biodiversity and supports National Threatened Species Day on Monday 7 September 2020.

It emphasises the important role of animals in our environment and the small thing we can do to help protect them and cease the climate and biodiversity emergency.

Water Birds

This video is focused on water birds.

The river is home to at least 100 species of native and migratory birds, some of which travel from as far away as Japan, China and Korea. This workshop provides a deeper insight into several water birds species who rely on the Maribyrnong River.

River Biodiversity

This video is focused on river biodiversity.

It emphasises the variety of local animals and their important role in our ecosystem. It offers important reminders to the things we can do to help protect them and respond to the climate and biodiversity emergency.