Waste Brochures and Posters
Council has a range of different brochures, signs and other resources to help you put the right thing in the right bin.
If you would like a hard copy of these resources, please complete the order form. You can also download these resources by clicking the links below.
Recycling and Waste Brochures
Bin stickers and posters
The below posters are available as stickers in A3 and A2 sizes for application to your bin or skip.
The general rubbish poster is available for download in the following sizes:
You can also order printed copies via our online order form at the bottom of this page.
The mixed recycling poster is available for download in the following sizes:
You can also order printed copies via our online order form at the bottom of this page.
The food and garden organics poster is available for download in the following sizes:
You can also order printed copies via our online order form at the bottom of this page.
Online Order Form
Please allow up to 10 working days to receive your order. If you have not received your order please contact us by emailing wasteresponse@maribyrnong.vic.gov.au and be sure to quote your receipt number which you will receive via the email confirmation.
Place an order here