Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre Sponsorship


A Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre sponsorship invests opportunities that reflect our vision, corporate values and program initiatives.

We see sponsorship opportunities as a way to build relationships with a variety of members of our community including:

  • Our members and patrons.
  • Local schools, sporting clubs and community groups.
  • The wider community of the City of Maribyrnong.

Sponsorship criteria

It is essential that each sponsorship application meets the criteria set out below and clearly outlines the benefits and details of the sponsorship investment.

We will sponsor events that:

  • fall within the City of Maribyrnong community
  • are favourable to individuals, activities, and organisations that provide avenues for promoting our key messages and programs.

Donations of memberships organisation:

  • The support is short term for a maximum period of 3 months and will be reviewed before any extensions are granted.
  • The applicant agency must provide have a contact person in case there are any behaviour or other issues that need to be addressed.

MAC will evaluate each sponsorship request and in particular, specifically, consider how each request:

  • generates/attracts positive media coverage
  • promotes our involvement through signage and other appropriate forms of recognition
  • assists us to engage directly with the community.

We will not sponsor opportunities that:

  • fall outside of the City of Maribyrnong
  • request cash amounts
  • demonstrate political, religious or socially divisive objectives
  • denigrate or offend the community
  • sell donated goods we have provided for financial benefit.

Apply now

All sponsorship applications should be submitted at least six weeks before the sponsorship or event commencement date.

You will be notified in writing of the outcome of your application.

Click here to view form.