Feedback/Report an Issue at MAC


At Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre we are always keen to hear from members and visitors so we can keep keep providing the highest standards of service and help you achieve your health and fitness goals with MAC.  

If you have seen something in need of repair or something that could become an issue at Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre, let us know via the form below and we'll address it as soon as possible.

The below form provides for repairs and issues to be reported to Maribynong Aquatic Centre Management.

Click here to view form.


Your feedback

We value your feedback as a way to improve our services to our members and visitors, and to enhance your experience with us.

If you would like to provide feedback on the services you recently accessed at the Centre please do so below.

We respect your right to privacy so you can provide feedback or report an issue anonymously. However should you wish to receive a response to your feedback or the issue you've reported, please consider providing your details via the form below. Providing your personal details is optional.