The availability and opening hours of some Council services and facilities will change over the Christmas and New Year’s period. Find out if these changes may impact you
If you are curious about trying roller skating, but not ready to buy your own skates, these sessions are perfect for you!
Three experienced skate instructors will help you get the basics right, then make sure you stay until the end for performances from the coaches!
There are four sessions available in various locations around the City of Maribyrnong:
Saturday 27 January - 2pm-3.30pm Bryon Plaza, Footscray
Sunday 19 February - 2pm-3.30pm Hansen Reserve playground, West Footscray
Sunday March 24 - 2pm-3.30pm Coulson Gardens basketball court, Maribyrnong
Sunday April 28 - 2pm-3.30pm Braybrook Park basketball court, Braybrook
Sessions are weather permitting and subject to change. Roller skates from Junior 8 up to Mens size 11 are available to try on, as well as protective gear (knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards). Socks must be worn.
Some pre-loved skates and pads are available to purchase after the session. So if it turns out you LOVE roller skating, you can take a pair home right then,
For further information and an FAQ about the sessions visit: Princess on Skates - Come and Try Roller Skating
The Come and Try Roller Skating sessions are proudly supported through Maribyrnong City Council's Love Your West Grants Program.
BraybrookFootscrayMaribyrnongWest Footscray