The availability and opening hours of some Council services and facilities will change over the Christmas and New Year’s period. Find out if these changes may impact you
We can help you improve and protect your property through well considered planning applications, building controls and permits, and a coordinated approach to future development across the City of Maribyrnong.
All applications are submitted online.
Please email other requests and documents to planningapplications
Before you undertake any works on your property or change the way you use it, please consider if you need a planning permit.
Before you buy, build or renovate, find out what planning controls and guidelines apply to the property. These specify when a permit is required and guide future development.
If you can’t track down the owner of your neighbouring property, we can provide property owner contact details for the replacement or repair of fences.
Whether you own your property, are buying a house or renting, there are ways you can reduce your energy and water use through sustainable design. Find out how.