Portable Solar Powered Speed Radar Signs
To create safer roads in the municipality, Council, in partnership with VicRoads, has lowered the speed limit to 40km/hour on 93% of Council owned roads under the Safer Local Roads program. Endorsed by Council in October 2017, the program is based on results from Local Area Traffic Management studies conducted in our City, and feedback from residents feeling unsafe to walk or cycle in their local streets due to cars travelling at high speeds.
To support the Safer Local Roads program, Council has received a grant from the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) to install four solar powered speed radar advisory signs. They will be temporarily installed at various locations in the City where speeding has been identified as a continuing problem, even with council’s speed reduction program.
The signs will be installed at identified sites of concern for a period of one month, supporting drivers and advising them of the 40km/hour speed limit. They will also gather important vehicle speed data which will be used for future traffic and transport planning within the municipality.
The program is supported by Council’s Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan 2021-2030, a document that outlines Council’s approach in managing and enhancing road safety across the municipality.