Homelessness and Housing Support

Homelessness is a significant issue across metropolitan Melbourne, with growing numbers of people presenting to homelessness services. 

It’s important to note that homelessness and sleeping rough are not a crime. Those sleeping rough often occupy spaces which are close to support services and where they feel connected to the local community.

Council can support people seeking housing and homelessness support by providing information and referral to local support agencies. This may include information about a local homelessness service or access to emergency relief. 

Homelessness Support Services


Local access point for people who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness. Unison can undertake an assessment of need, explore options for accessing emergency accommodation and longer term housing, and offer advice, advocacy and referral.

Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm
122 Victoria St, Seddon
9698 2777 or 1800 825 955

After-hours crisis support 

St Kilda Crisis Centre provide 24hr crisis response to people of all ages. Emergency housing, food vouchers, advice and referrals to all services. This is an after-hours service. 

Open 7 days, 9am-11pm       
29 and 31 Grey Street, St Kilda
9536 7777 or 1800 627 727