Your sustainable home


Everyone has a role to play in helping to protect and revive our environment.

Adopting more sustainable living practices as a community means that we can meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations.

Council have a number of program which focus on sustainable living practices.

Food Know How

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Food Know How is a free program to help you get the most out of fresh food, reduce food waste, and save money!

The program offers online resources to help you plan a weekly menu, be seasonally savvy with your meals, and find great recipes to use up your left overs.

It also provides handy tips for storing fresh food, minimising waste and composting leftovers.

Household toolkit

We’ve developed a range of simple and easy to use tools to help you reduce your food waste and save money while you do it!

  1. Smart tips for leftovers(PDF, 131KB)
  2. Weekly menu plan and shopping list(PDF, 100KB)
  3. Smart shopping tips(PDF, 342KB)
  4. Smart storage and shelf life tips(PDF, 487KB)
  5. Left over recipe list

Compost Community

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Did you know that 48% of the waste that we place in household landfill bins, could have been composted?

When food breaks down in landfill, it produces methane, a greenhouse gas that is 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide. 

Now you can put your organic kitchen waste to good use.

Compost Community offers members who join the program free tutorials, activities and a community forum on composting systems - from bokashi to worm farming and even raising your own backyard chooks.

Joining is free and all members are eligible to purchase subsidised composting equipment, including a $65 discount on available products.

Visit to sign up today. 

My Smart Garden

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My Smart Garden is a free program that will help you grow food, shelter your home from the sun and wind, create homes for local wildlife, use water wisely and recycle waste!

From pruning your fruit trees, to creating your own vertical garden, growing native foods, or building a bee hotel, our range of free workshops will teach you all you need to know about smart gardening each season.

Whether you have a backyard, balcony, courtyard or just a couple of pots - you will be sure to benefit from gardening more sustainably. Sign up to the program to find out about upcoming workshops.

Saving energy at home



Saving energy is good for the environment and it saves you money! Here are some tips on how you can save energy in your home.

Turn It Down

Heating and cooling, hot water services, and fridges, are some of the biggest energy users in the typical Victorian home. Making small adjustments to the temperature of these energy guzzling items can make a huge impact on your energy use and save dollars without compromising your comfort.

Heating Set your thermostat between 18 and 20 degrees Celsius. Every degree above this will increase running costs by around 10 per cent.

Cooling Set your air conditioner thermostat to 24 and 26 degrees Celsius. Every degree lower will increase running costs by around 10 per cent.

Fridge Set your thermostat at 3 degrees Celsius for optimal cooling.

Freezer – Set your thermostat at -18C degrees Celsius for optimal freezing.

Hot water you need a minimum of 60C degrees hot water storage and a temperature not exceeding 50C degrees at the water outlets. 

Install efficient appliances and fixtures

When investing in large household appliances and fixtures, use the Federal Government's Energy and Water Ratings (stars) to guide you to the most efficient products to save money. This will show you how much you could reduce your ongoing operating costs by purchasing energy efficient appliances.

Start thinking medium to long-term and invest more now to get the most energy efficient appliances and fixtures. You'll reap the environmental and financial benefits for years to come.

Go solar

Generating your own renewable energy enables you to supplement or provide all your electricity needs, which reduces energy costs and greenhouse emissions. A small one kilowatt system on an average sized house can save around two tonnes of carbon dioxide a year.

What's the process for installing solar PV?

Check if you need approval to install solar panels

Some property owners will require planning approval to install solar panels. You can install solar panels in a Heritage Overlay, but if you can see the panels or inverter from the street you will need to apply for a planning permit from Council.

Find out if you need a permit.(PDF, 354KB)