The Adaptation Game (TAG)


The Adaptation Game (TAG) is a customised tabletop game that allows players to simulate climate shocks whilst playing as themselves, living in their own homes and with their local communities in the City of Maribyrnong.

This gamified approach aims to encourage community members to prepare for and build resilience in readiness for upcoming climate impacts such as heatwaves, floods and storms while considering the current resources and priorities in their lives.

TAG has an approximate run time of 2.5 hours for the introductory version where 4-5 players work through decisions about their personal and community-based adaptations. Game play is usually facilitated by a game facilitator or game leader who helps deliver news, manage shocks and generally keep everyone on task. 

During the scenarios presented, players will need to make choices such as:

  • Where to invest time and energy whilst making lifestyle adaptations.
  • How to prioritise commitments in times of low energy.
  • How to navigate plausible climate shocks.
  • How to work with organisations, including councils, to support or contribute to new programs.
  • How to bring the community together and build resilience.

Please be advised that the TAG workshop is appropriate for adults as it deals with intense topics that may not be suitable for younger people.  Parental consent will be required for anyone wishing to participate under the age of 18.

Sign up to play

Register your interest in The Adaptation Game to be the first to hear about where to play and how to become a game leader.

Click here to view form.