Become a citizen scientist


Create an indigenous garden

The survival of native wildlife in our city depends on healthy native vegetation communities. One way that residents can help to support local ecology and biodiversity is to create a native garden.

Maribyrnong City Council has created a list of indigenous plants(PDF, 373KB) for residents. You can also find information on the traditional use of various plant species of the Greater Melbourne area in by downloading our fact sheet.(PDF, 335KB)

Download the Maribyrnong Sustainability and Environment Guide

Find out about local wildlife, community gardens, Council environmental programs, and local Friends groups in The Maribyrnong Sustainability and Environment Guide. Download your copy here(PDF, 3MB).

Join in the Frog Census

Being a frog monitor is easy and fun — and you don’t have to be a frog expert! Simply download Melbourne Water's free Frog Census App for Apple or Android, and record frog calls at any river, creek, wetland or other type of waterway.

Frogs play an important role in the waterway ecosystem and are easily affected by changes to their environment. Get involved in our community frog monitoring program, and collect data to help us manage frog populations and raise awareness of waterway health issues.

Data collected in the Frog census will be used to assess frog population trends and inform waterway planning.

Create a frog friendly garden

Council are working to increase habitat connectivity for frog populations. If you would like to help support frogs by creating a frog friendly habitat garden, download Melbourne Water's Frog Friendly Habitat guide.

Contribute to the City Nature Challenge

Each year, Victorian Councils compete and collaborate to share observations of nature in the City Nature Challenge by logging their observations through the iNaturalist app. Outside of the challenge weekend, iNaturalist can be used at any time to identify species found across Maribyrnong. Observations are checked by scientists to verify their accuracy and contribute to the Atlas of Living Australia.

Sign up to the Possum Post 

The Sustainable Living program is Council's environmental education program. Stay informed of local environmental news, free workshops and events by subscribing to the Possum Post sustainability newsletter.

Join a local Friends Group

Keen to get more involved in the local environment and community? Why not join one of our local Friends of groups.