Recovery update

Stony Creek recovery 9 August 2019.jpg

Published on 16 August 2019

Remaining stockpiles of sediment at the fire site have been processed, treated and tested. It is expected that all remaining treated sediment will be transported to a secure landfill site by the end of next week (weather permitting).

Melbourne Water and EPA Victoria continue to conduct assessments to understand the scope and extent of further remediation works between the fire site and Paramount Road. Contaminated land and waterway specialists have also been commissioned to assist with this task.

The latest monitoring results were published on the EPA Victoria website on Tuesday 13 August. These results show continuing improvement in both water and sediment quality with most compounds below guideline values.

Regular inspections continue to be carried out to monitor conditions in the Creek. EPA will continue monthly sampling at four locations; Quarry Road, Cala Street, Cruickshank Park and Hyde Street.

There have been no indications of any impacts from the dredging works conducted in the Creek near the fire site by Melbourne Water. EPA and Melbourne Water will be assessing the validation data to help determine the next phase of sediment excavation work within Stony Creek.

EPA’s ongoing advice is:

•           Avoid contact with the water in Stony Creek

•           Don’t walk along the edge of Stony Creek

•           Don't let pets swim in the area or drink the water

•           As a precaution avoid eating fish from Stony Creek

•           Seek medical help if you feel unwell