River Watch (Riverine Flooding and Information)
Understanding your flood risk
Understanding the flood risk of your property is the first step to being prepared.
Melbourne Water develops and updates flood models to determine flood risk within Melbourne. This includes flood maps to understand current and potential future flooding in the Maribyrnong River catchment.
To view the flood maps and find out more about your property’s flood risk, visit the Melbourne Water website.
VICSES uses Local Flood Guides to help communities understand their flood risk and how to be prepared. View the Flood Guide
For more information and to provide feedback on a new draft Local Flood Guide visit: Maribyrnong City Council - Victoria State Emergency Service - VICSES
Understanding flood warnings
For information on the types of warnings and steps you should take, including translated material, visit the VIC Emergency website.
VICSES uses the VicEmergency app and hotline to distribute flood warnings and emergency information in Victoria. You can also stay informed through the Bureau of Meteorology, Victorian Warnings Summary radio and TV stations.
For information on local radio and TV broadcasters: Prepare and Get Ready - VicEmergency.
Call the Vic Emergency hotline 1800 226 226.
Understanding rainfall and river levels
Melbourne Water provides information on rainfall and river levels from monitoring sites across Melbourne on their website
The Maribyrnong Local Flood Guide provides information on the height of a minor, moderate and major flood level, as well as the predicted impact for each level
Be Prepared
The Victorian State Emergency Service (VICSES) is responsible for planning for floods, supporting community preparedness, and managing any flood response.
The Red Cross Emergency preparedness guide also provides useful information on preparing for emergencies, including a Rediplan template, survival kit checklist, and a variety of resources in different languages.
Find the relevant flood plans
The Maribyrnong Storm and Flood Emergency Plan is a sub-plan of the MEMP. It was developed by VICSES and Council and provides comprehensive information of flood risks within the municipality.
VICSES has also developed a local Flood Guide for the Maribyrnong Township which provides local flood information, tips on how to stay safe in a flood emergency and what items should be in every household flood emergency kit.
For these plans and more information on how to get ready for flood and storm emergencies, visit: Maribyrnong City Council - Victoria State Emergency Service - VICSES.
The Environmental Protection Agency’s role in flooding
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is a technical support agency during flood events. This means they provide technical and scientific advice to support emergency response and recovery, including testing for contaminants and monitoring river water quality.
For more information on the EPA’s role, visit: the Environment Protection Authority Victoria website.
Maribyrnong Neighbourhood Flood Network
Council is supporting the development of the Maribyrnong Neighbourhood Flood Network for residents in Maribyrnong at risk of flooding. The network aim is to build and maintain a network of community leaders in flood preparedness.
For more information on the network, visit: Maribyrnong Flood Recovery.
To express interest in joining the network, visit: EOI Maribyrnong Flood Network.
Flood recovery information
For information on recovery support and initiatives following the October 2022 flood event, visit: Maribyrnong Flood Recovery
Other information on the Maribyrnong River
How do I find out about waterway pollution?
Water pollution warnings are issued through VicEmergency: Incidents and Warnings - VicEmergency.
What recreational activities take place on the Maribyrnong River?
The Maribyrnong River is home to several recreational groups and activities, including:
Rowing or canoe clubs
Nature and conservation