

Playgroups are a fun and stimulating experience for children and their carers, a chance to make connections, share stories and encourage children’s play and learning.

There are essentially two types of playgroups, Community Playgroups and Supported Playgroups.

Community Playgroups

Community Playgroups are parent run playgroups that sometimes have voluntary committees. Playgroup vacancies may change frequently.  Some playgroups meet at local venues, cafes, parks or homes.

Supported Playgroups

Supported playgroups are facilitated playgroups and are usually free.  Council or other local organisations operate supported playgroups, providing play experiences and parenting assistance, sometimes with a specific focus.

Council Supported Playgroups

Smalltalk Program

Council Supported Playgroups offer a program called Smalltalk.  The Smalltalk program is a set of strategies that parents can use at home to enhance the learning opportunities for children up to the age of 6.

Council Supported Playgroup Timetable

Council Supported Playgroups meet regularly as listed below.

Day/Time Playgroup name
10am to 12.00pm
Angliss Supported Playgroup

Angliss Senior Citizens Centre
24 Vipont Street
Footscray (View map)

9.30am to 11.00am or

11.00am to 12.30pm

Braybrook Supported Playgroup

Braybrook Early Learning Centre
107-139 Churchill Avenue
Braybrook (View map)


10am to 12.00pm


Footscray Supported Playgroup

Footscray - Church of Christ
252 Gordon Street
Footscray (View map)


10am to 12.00pm

Maidstone Child and Family Centre Supported Playgroup

Maidstone Child and Family Centre
23-25 Burns Street
Maidstone (View map)


Home Visits

For those parents or carers in need of additional support, home visits can be arranged.  The facilitator will spend time one on one with you to discuss Smalltalk strategies.

Supported Playgroups Criteria

To take part in a supported playgroup participants must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Have a Health Care Card or subsidy card.
  • Identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.
  • Have a visa 200-204, 786, 866 or bridging visa A-E (interpreters available).
  • Receive support from Enhanced Maternal and Child Health, Kinship Care, Out of Home Care, ChildFIRST or Child Protection.


Thinking About Starting a Playgroup of Your Own?

If you have been thinking about starting your own playgroup Council can support you in this process.  There are a number of venues throughout the City of Maribyrnong that are available for playgroups to meet.

In response to COVID-19 it may be necessary for access to Council venues to be restricted without notice. We recommend contacting Council's Playgroup Team for details prior to attending by phoning 9688 0200 or send us an email to

It is recommended that community playgroups take up Playgroup Victoria Membership to ensure each playgroup family has insurance.  For more information regarding insurance please contact Playgroup Victoria direct by phoning 1800 171 882 or visit the Playgroup Victoria website

Need more information?

For more information please contact Council's Playgroup Team by phoning 9688 0200 or send an email to