Single Use Plastics

Single Use Plastics Image

Single Use Plastics are used for just minutes, yet their impact on our environment will last for thousands of years.

Every year, 8 million tonnes of plastic waste wash into our waterways and oceans, with devastating impacts on our marine wildlife and ecosystems.

Fortunately, there are many simple actions we can all take to help protect our environment and waterways, and avoid Single Use Plastics and other disposable items.

Single-Use Plastic Policy

At the 2021 August Ordinary Council Meeting, Council endorsed its first-ever Single-Use Plastic Policy detailing its commitment to the elimination of single-use plastics across all Council facilities, activities and events.

The Policy will ensure Council, and those who use Council venues or attend Council-run or endorsed events, are doing their part to reduce their impact on the environment. Single-use plastics not only emit greenhouse gas throughout their entire lifecycle, they are also a key source of litter, polluting waterways, oceans, land and air with harmful micro plastics, which end up in our food chain.

Click on the link at the bottom of the page to download a copy of the Single-Use Plastic Policy.

Single-use plastic ban

Starting from the 1st of February 2023, the Victorian Government has banned the following single-use plastic items from sale or supply:

  • drinking straws
  • plates
  • drink-stirrers and sticks
  • cotton bud sticks
  • cutlery (knives, forks, spoons, chopsticks, food picks and sporks)
  • expanded polystyrene food service items and drink containers

The ban applies to businesses and organisations. There are exemptions for specific circumstances such as where items are required for health and safety reasons.

For more information visit the Victorian Government or Sustainability Victoria website.

Simple swaps

Here are some simple swaps that can make all the difference in the fight against Single Use Plastic pollution:

Single Use Swaps.PNG

Other actions you can take

  1. Try using a bamboo toothbrush instead of a plastic one.
  2. Ask your local grocer, supermarket, or deli if you can BYO containers for your purchases, and avoid those flimsy single use produce bags.
  3. Find out which of your local cafes and restaurants accept personal takeaway containers at Trashless Takeaways.
  4. Consider using reusable cloth nappies, instead of disposables.
  5. Take the Balloon Free Pledge. Balloons may seem fun for us, but every year tens of thousands of balloons end up in our waterways and oceans. The CSIRO now recognise balloons as one of the top three most harmful pollutants threatening our marine wildlife today. Try using bubble blowers, flowers, or reusable decorations instead.

Take the Plastic Free Challenge

Join over 120 million people around the world and choose to refuse and reuse with the Plastic Free July challenge! Whether its for one month or all year round, by making one small change to avoid Single Use Plastic, you can make a huge difference.

Find out more and take the Plastic Free challenge via the links at the bottom of the webpage.