Get to know your neighbours this Neighbour Day

Published on 26 March 2019

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It was once very common to drop in to visit a neighbour unannounced, or to borrow some sugar, milk or eggs from the family next door. And although these neighbourly interactions have become less common, the inner west is jam-packed with tight knit neighbourhoods.

Whether it is the local travelling cake tin, a street library with donated books, or a walking group, there are plenty of neighbourly activities that take place every day in our community.

Neighbour Day is taking place on 31 March, and it is the perfect opportunity to connect with those who live in their neighbourhood.

Whether you are new to the area, or yet to reach out to those in your neighbourhood, why don’t you take the opportunity to build better relationships with those around you!

Start small

Say hello and introduce yourself

Reach out

If a new neighbour moves in, go over and introduce yourself, or leave a note to welcome them to the neighbourhood.

Check in

Some neighbours might need more support than others, especially those experiencing hardship, sickness or loneliness, so check in to make sure they are ok.

Learn and teach

Maribyrnong is a vibrant and diverse multicultural community that is home to people with a wealth of knowledge and experience. Maybe you or your neighbour speaks another language – ask them to teach you some words in their language or share some of your own. Take some time to talk to your neighbours and maybe learn a new skill or teach them something they may not know.

Be a good neighbour

Understand and obey local laws relating to noise, pets, shared boundaries, and overhanging trees and vegetation. Be mindful and respectful of others.


Share and swap excess produce from your garden, build a Street Library to share and recycle books, or offer your neighbours use of your tools and equipment.

Help out

If you are mowing your nature strip, mow your neighbours as well. Offer to take an elderly neighbours bins in and out, or to collect mail and feed pets while your neighbour is away.

Have your neighbours back

Support your neighbours when they are in need.


Throw a party and invite all your neighbours, or organise a friendly cricket match or soccer game.

Back Your Neighbour

Locals are being urged to back their neighbours, their mates, and their coworkers in a campaign aimed at reversing, modifying or slowing cuts to a Federal Government scheme that has helped thousands of people transition to new lives, into jobs and to become key members of communities across Australia.

Council is among 22 councils across Australia, representing more than 2.7 million people, that have come together to try to ensure that people who have fled persecution do not suffer homelessness and destitution as a result of Federal Government cutbacks.

Earlier this year, the Federal Government outlined a plan to cut support from up to 7,000 people who had come to Australia fleeing war and persecution.

Local resident Nayran Tabiei arrived in Australia after fleeing the violent civil war in Syria, leaving behind a successful career as a chef to bring her daughter to safety.

Nayran now uses her cooking skills to give back, and every Friday, she cooks, serves, and cleans up hundreds of meals, making sure vulnerable people are well fed.

“My culture and religion taught me to be helpful to everyone, especially those in need. For me, the best way to show others you care is by sharing food,” Nayran said

To show your support for people seeking asylum, join the Back Your Neighbour campaign at

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