Time to nominate significant trees

Published on 04 September 2018


Trees provide a vast array of benefits and have long been identified by our community as highly valuable assets.

Council is working to increase our city’s tree canopy and has protections in place for trees in public areas like nature strips and parks, but what about trees on private land?

Approximately 70% of our City’s land is owned privately or by other institutions. Substantial growth and development make it timely to consider the protection of significant trees on private land in Maribyrnong.

Significant trees may be rare or have outstanding aesthetic significance. They may have historical or cultural value, such as Aboriginal scar trees. Or they may have curious growth forms or be particularly old.

To understand more about what qualifies for the significant tree register, and to nominate trees you believe are significant and deserve protection, visit www.yourcityyourvoice.com.au/significant-trees

Nominations for significant trees closes 30 November.