State Government to provide loan to support Civic & Community Precinct

Published on 06 September 2021

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The Department of Jobs, Precinct and Regions will provide Council with a loan to support the delivery of the Civic and Community Precinct project, which will see the historic Footscray Town Hall renovated and a new community park established and returned to the community for its use.

The $10 million loan is part of the Department’s Community Infrastructure Loans Scheme, which supports the delivery of community infrastructure by providing councils with access to low-interest subsidised loans.

“We are planning to take Footscray Town Hall into its next chapter and provide more opportunities for our community to utilise this much treasured space. With the support of the State Government, Council is able to kick start this project and reduce the impost on our ratepayers by achieving savings through the low-interest loan. This will help us provide the best outcome for our community, now and into the future,” Mayor, Cr Michael Clarke said.

Under the terms of the loan, the upgrade works are to be completed within three years, with construction likely to begin around the middle of 2022.

The redevelopment of the Town Hall is an opportunity for the community to shape the future use of this iconic and important building, which will anchor the new Civic and Community Precinct. 

“The aim is to liberate the Town Hall from its civic administration function to return it to the public for use as meeting rooms and gathering spaces inside, and a new public space outside – creating a new and exciting civic space for the community and Council to meet and come together,” Mayor Clarke continued.

Council has started the conversation with the community around how the re-imagined community spaces inside the heritage building Town Hall could be used and the expectations for the surrounding open space.

Concept drawings will be shared with the community as they are developed, in line with feedback received, to support the detailed design process prior to engaging contractors, to ensure the end product accurately captures community views and aspirations. 

For more information and to take part in the conversation visit Council’s community engagement portal Your City Your Voice.

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