Planting, learning and lunch – celebrating National Tree Day
Published on 10 July 2018
Maribyrnong residents are invited to be inspired by nature and make a positive contribution to the local environment by coming along to National Tree Day in Braybrook.
Maribyrnong City Council will be hosting the National Tree Day event along the Maribyrnong River near Cranwell Park on Sunday 29 July from 10am – 1pm. Residents will have the opportunity to be involved in planting activities, see a wildlife show, join a walk and talk with the Wurundjeri, and finish the day with coffee and lunch. Open to all ages and abilities, attendees will learn about the flora and fauna of the Maribyrnong River and be able to support local conservation efforts.
Maribyrnong City Council is committed to increasing vegetation in the municipality and as part of the Greening the West initiative are working towards a target to double tree canopy cover in the west by 2050. Over 14,500 trees have recently been planted along the river corridor in Braybrook, Maribyrnong, Maidstone, Yarraville and Footscray.
National Tree Day, a national initiative by Planet Ark, is an opportunity for local residents to connect with other community members and spend time in nature. Research shows that exposure to nature improves mental and physical health and also helps children learn about the natural world and develop key life skills such as problem solving and resilience.
“Our fast-paced, screen-driven lifestyle means children are losing touch with nature in a way we have never experienced before, and missing out on developing a life-long connection to nature,” said Planet Ark’s National Tree Day Manager Debbie Agnew.
“This year’s National Tree Day theme – Be Inspired: It’s in Our Nature – highlights how nature ignites our inspiration, creativity and purpose, as well as offering significant health and wellbeing benefits,” Agnew said.
Maribyrnong residents can find out more information and register to attend the National Tree Day event by visiting:
A word from the Mayor, Cr Cuc Lam:
‘National Tree Day will be a fun-filled event of planting and nature activities along the Maribyrnong River and I hope many residents can join us.’
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