New change rooms to support increasing female sports participation
Published on 12 March 2025
New female friendly change rooms are being delivered at McIvor Reserve in Yarraville, north of the existing Yarraville Glory Football Club pavilion with works due to start on site in March with completion in mid-2025.
This development responds to the need for compliant and accessible change rooms that support the increasing participation of women in soccer specifically at Yarraville Glory, which has increased by 357% over the past four years.
“The inclusion of friendly change rooms is an essential step forward in supporting the growing number of women participating in soccer in our community,” Mayor, Cr Pradeep Tiwari said.
“It’s important we provide the infrastructure to match this growth, ensuring all members of our community have access to inclusive amenities,” he said.
The new facility, which has received more than $1 million of funding from the Victorian Government through the West Gate Neighbourhood Fund, part of the West Gate Tunnel Project, will include two change rooms, two amenities rooms, and a store room.
The new change rooms will create better linkages between change rooms and the soccer pitches, and will be available for club use during winter seasons and may also accommodate cricket teams in the summer months. Additionally, the facilities may be utilised by school groups during scheduled bookings at the Reserve.
They are to be built in an area currently used as storage with funding also support the installation of a new scoreboard.
“This project ensures Council provides modern and accessible facilities for all residents to benefit from spaces that support their physical health while fostering greater community connections. The new change rooms will be instrumental in creating a welcoming environment for residents of all backgrounds and abilities, promoting increased participation and inclusivity in local sporting opportunities,” Mayor Tiwari continued.
For more information on the project, please visit:
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