Master planning to future proof our reserves
Published on 05 March 2025
With protecting and preserving open space a priority, Council is beginning master planning conversations at three reserves across the municipality – at Robert Barrett in Maribyrnong, Dobson in Maidstone, and Bell and Beevers in Kingsville – as we continue to plan for a growing population.
Existing amenities, such as lighting, seating, sports fields, pavilions and playgrounds, across all four reserves are tired and due for renewal/upgrade works. This is also an opportunity for us to consider ways to maximise the use of these reserves for a variety of users.
This is particularly true of Dobson Reserve, which is one of the few large outdoor sporting venues within the central and western areas of the City. Already well used by sporting codes its facilities also need upgrading to support the current needs and to help support future demand in the area.
It also has a playground, a basketball half-court, walking paths, cricket nets and a sports pavilion. We’re keen to hear of any upgrades or additional features the community feels could further enhance its value to residents and visitors.
For Beevers and Bell reserves, the conversation is around building a better “backyard” in Kingsville, where currently these two reserves make up the one per cent of open space that currently exists in the suburb. This includes canvassing views on a larger conjoined open space that would better serve local residents by potentially closing Coronation Street, and the potential to accommodate some neighbourhood level facilities, including seating, a new playground and potentially a new public toilet at Beevers Reserve.
Recognising the Highpoint Major Activity Centre is expected to accommodate approximately 15,000 dwellings and 32,000 residents by 2041, we also know the increased population will place even more pressure on facilities at Robert Barrett Reserve.
We’ll be expanding on earlier community conversations to understand the things residents think are working and what could be improved. The conversation will also consider options to house Maribyrnong Library once the current lease expires in 2028.
Feedback from each conversation will help inform draft Master Plans or draft Concept Plans which will be shared for further feedback in late 2025.
Visit and provide your comments by midnight Sunday 30 March 2025.
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