Business Grants to spearhead exciting new projects in Maribyrnong

Published on 16 August 2018

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 A range of innovative new projects - from street events to a pop-up business showcase - will be rolled out across Maribyrnong in the coming months following the announcement this week of Council’s 2018/19 Business Improvement District (BID) grants recipients.

Council’s Enterprise Maribyrnong Special Committee has awarded more than $100,000 in funding to a record seven business groups in 2018/19 to assist them in delivering their projects.

The successful BID grant projects include:

  • The Footscray Asian Business Association (FABA) will deliver Friday evening cultural music performances (one per month for 8 months) in the Saigon Plaza in Footscray. 
  • The Footscray Traders Association (FTA) will deliver an advertising campaign to promote Footscray as a great place to shop and trade.
  • The West Footscray Traders Association (WFTA) will deliver a pop-up small business showcase in the Barkly Street Village.
  • The Seddon Village Traders Association (SVTA) will deliver a ‘Passport to Seddon’ booklet aimed at promoting the various shops in the area as well as undertaking a membership drive to strengthen the business group.
  • The Yarraville Traders Association (YTA) will deliver two trader-led events, ‘Halloween’ and ‘Christmas’ in 2018, encouraging people to shop in Yarraville.
  • The collective 32 businesses located in the Nicholson/Albert Streets arcade will establish a new branding for the area including the design and installation of new “Little Africa” signage at each entrance to their shopping centre.
  • A business collective of new and existing businesses near Maddern Square will be deliver a series of events from November 2018 - April 2019 in Maddern Square, Footscray to attract visitors to the area.


Message from the Mayor, Cr Cuc Lam

Since they began in 2016, our BID grants have facilitated some excellent projects right across the City, such as social media campaigns, destination marketing, amenity improvements, and support of innovative business practices.

I am very excited to see this year’s grants going towards some very worthy recipients and I’m really looking forward to seeing all the projects rolled out in the City over the coming months.

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