Heritage studies

To help protect our city’s history and cultural significance, Council has commissioned a number of heritage plans and studies to identify individual heritage sites and areas.

Historic Places Study (2000-2001)

Aboriginal Heritage Study

The Aboriginal Heritage Study(PDF, 960KB) identifies places of Aboriginal cultural heritage value. Prepared by Biosis Research in 1999.

Archaeological Management Plan

The Archaelogical Management Plan(PDF, 7MB) details early post-contact archaeological sites in the City of Maribyrnong. Prepared by HLA-Envirosciences Pty Ltd in 2000.

Natural Heritage Study

The Natural Heritage Study(PDF, 5MB) details places of natural heritage in the City of Maribyrnong. Prepared by Ecology Australia P/L and Environmental Geosurveys Pty Ltd in 1999.

West Footscray and Surrounds Inter-war and Post-war Heritage Precinct Study

The West Footscray Inter-war and Post-war Heritage Precinct Study(PDF, 14MB) identifies inter-war and post-war places of significance in West Footscray and surrounding areas. Prepared by Heritage Alliance in 2021.

Other studies available at Maribyrnong Libraries

  • City of Footscray Urban Conservation Study Volumes 1-4 (1989). 
  • Western Region Industrial Heritage Study (1989).
  • Yarraville Village Enhancement Project, Parts 1-3 (1990).

Printed copies are available at all Maribyrnong Libraries.

Protecting heritage places through the Heritage Overlay

The Heritage Overlay is a planning control used in the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme to enhance and conserve heritage places. It applies to many of the individual sites and precincts identified in our heritage studies.

The Heritage Overlay works by requiring a planning permit for new works to ensure that the works are appropriate and do not adversely affect the significance of the place.

Heritage Database Online

To find out more about the City of Maribyrnong’s many heritage places a database of Statement of Significance, and information about history, physical descriptions and photographs of places included in the Heritage Overlay is available on the Maribyrnong Heritage Database.