LGBTIQA+ People, Families and Communities

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Council has a strong record of inclusion, equality and pride in the diversity of our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, allied or asexual (LGBTIQA+) people.

Council's four year plan, Council Plan 2021-2025 outlines our vision for the municipality as:

“An inclusive, flourishing, progressive city that cares for its residents and its environments”.

The Council Plan identifies the priorities and aspirations to strengthen inclusion and cohesion within the community by removing barriers to participation in all aspects of community life. This includes the LGBTIQA+ people, families and communities.  

LGBTIQA+ Strategy and Action Plan

A key action under the Council Plan is to consider the needs and lived experience of LGBTIQA+ people, families and communities in the City of Maribyrnong by developing a LGBTIQA+ Strategy and Action Plan 2021- 2026.

The aim of the Strategy and Action Plan is to reinforce Council’s commitment to LGBTIQA+ people, families and communities, and to identify actions for strengthening social and economic inclusion and reducing barriers to their participation in the City.

On Tuesday 18 October 2022 Council endorsed the LGBTIQA+ Strategy and Action Plan 2022-2026.

The Strategy and Action Plan outlines Council’s work with LGBTIQA+ people in the City of Maribyrnong and promotes more opportunities for engagement, support, advocacy and partnerships. 

Council will continue engaging and consulting with key stakeholders, groups and networks in the City of Maribyrnong to implement the Action Plan over the next 4 years. 

LGBTIQA+ Community Report Card

Community Report Cards inform Maribyrnong residents of how Council is implementing the actions in the LGBTIQA+ Strategy and Action Plan 2022-2026. You can access current and past Report Cards below:

LGBTIQA+ Community Advisory Group

On 16 November 2021 Council established the LGBTIQA+ Community Advisory Group to enable a process for engagement with members of the LGBTIQA+ and Maribyrnong community. Currently, the Advisory meets four times per year to advise Council on the needs and lived experience of people who identify as, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, or asexual in Maribyrnong.

You can find out more information about the Advisory Group, and register your interest in becoming a member, by visiting our LGBTIQA+ Community Advisory Group page.

Related Information

COVID-19 Support

The health and wellbeing of our community is our priority.  Below you will find information relating to Council's ongoing response to COVID-19.

More information is available through the Department of Health and cohealth websites.

LGBTIQA+ Information, Resources and Support

Below you will find a range of support, information and resources specifically for LGBTIQA+ people, their families and communities.