Monday 3 March to Monday 10 March 2025 is Parks Week, which celebrates the vital role that parks play in creating liveable cities and thriving communities.
Active Maribyrnong has collaborated with organisations across the country and from New Zealand to develop a program of activities that focuses on how spending time in our parks and open spaces has a positive influence on our wellbeing.
Below you will find activities on offer during Parks Week.
Cruickshank Park (view map)
Mon 3 March 11am - 11.45
Book here
Robert Barrett Reserve (view map)
Tue 4 March 9am - 10am
Coulson Gardens (veiw map)
Tue 4 March 6pm - 7pm
Cranwell Park (view map)
Braybrook Park (view map)
Burndap Park (view map)
Pipemakers Park (view map)
Newells Paddock (view map)
Fri 7 March 10am - 11am
Beaton Reserve (view map)
Footscray Park (view map)
Sat 8 March 10am - 12pm
Sun 9 March 10am - 11am