Daughters of the West
Delivered in partnership with the Western Bulldogs Community Foundation, this free 10-week health program aims to improve the mental and physical wellbeing of women living, working or recreating in the City of Maribyrnong. Daughters of the West is open to women and those who identify as women, aged 18 and over.
Each week the program includes one hour of health education followed by one hour of physical activity. The one hour of physical activity has three different groups to cater to all fitness levels and abilities.
Some of the health topics covered in the education workshops include:
- gender equity
- inspirational women in leadership
- mental fitness
- nutrition
- women's sexual and reproductive health
- cultural diversity
- alcohol cultures
- heart health
- cancer prevention.
The Daughters of the West program will be starting in July 2025. You can register your interest in the program below and you will be contacted closer to registrations opening.
Register your interest here
More information
For further information about the Daughters of the West please contact Council's Active Maribyrnong team by phoning 9688 0200 or send an email to active@maribyrnong.vic.gov.au.