Street Libraries

Street Library - North Street

Street Libraries are popping up all over Maribyrnong!

Council commissioned the Braybrook Men’s Shed to build 17 Street Libraries and in May 2018 and, through an Expression of Interest process, 17 local hosts were selected and each received one of the libraries to decorate, install and maintain at their property.

What is a street library?

Street libraries are small book exchanges located in neighbourhoods on local streets, hosted by individual households to encourage a love of books and reading. The libraries are a great way to connect and share in the neighbourhood.

There are now more than 40 street libraries in the City of Maribyrnong.

You can find the full list of registered local Street Libraries online at Street Library Australia website.

Pop by one of the awesome libraries to check it out, pick up a book, swap a book or share a book.

Can I build and/or install my own Street Library?  


Council is supportive of people installing their own Street Libraries, as long as the street library is on private land.

Street Libraries Australia can provide plans and ideas on how to build and install your very own library, though residents are encouraged to think creatively and consider upcycled ideas for their Street Libraries.

Street Libraries are not permitted on nature strips, if there is overhang on to neighbouring property or spaces (like footpaths), if they impede visibility to pedestrians/traffic or they pose a safety risk.

For more information contact Council's Access and Participation team by phoning 9688 0200 or email