Community Leadership


Council's Community Leadership programming supports the development of informed, active community members who work together to make Maribyrnong a vibrant, connected, resilient and thriving community.

What is Community Leadership Programming

Community Leadership programming is an essential part of supporting a participation ecosystem. It supports place-based, community-led actions and allows community members to build competencies and a sense of agency around matters that are important to them.

Maribyrnong Community Leaders Network

The Maribyrnong Community Leaders Network is made up of 70 graduates of Council’s formal Community Leadership Programs delivered between 2015 and 2020, as well as participants of other local community leadership programs, the African-Australian Young Women's Leadership Program (2018/19), and the Maribyrnong Leads the Way Program (delivered by Network West in 2023/23).

Network Events

Reconnection Gathering - May 2024

In May 2024, Network members were invited to reconnect with each other and with Council at Phoenix Youth Centre. The purpose of the gathering was to hear about what actions, projects and initiatives leaders had been part of since their participation in the structured program, and to hear their thoughts on what should come next for community leadership programming in Maribyrnong. 

Three key items emerged as supports that community leaders would like from Council:

  • Networking and connection building
  • Capacity building opportunities
  • Provision of information and resources
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Community Leaders Gathering - November 2024

Over some delicious food at Yarraville Senior Centres on November 21, passionate community leaders shared ideas for local projects, prioritised knowledge and skill building topics for 2025, and discussed themes for future networking activities. A collective passion for environmental sustainability and strengthening community resilience to climate change was identified through the conversation.

The evening's highlight was an entertaining demonstration by 14-year-old Speedcuber Levi Ng, who wowed everyone with his lightning-fast Rubik's cube solving skills and his impressive collection of cubes in every shape and size imaginable. As a fun takeaway, all attendees received their own Rubik’s cube and a new mindfulness activity to explore.

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More information

For more information contact Council's Access and Participation team by phoning 9688 0200 or email