Community facilities play an important role, enabling community participation through sports, recreation and events, while providing a safe haven for individuals in the event of an emergency including extreme heat and flooding. It is essential that community facilities remain fit-for-purpose as our population grows.
Many parts of the City of Maribyrnong have significant shortfalls in open space, meaning that all spaces need to be maximised for both community and environmental benefits.
Many assets, including parks, sports and recreation facilities are ageing and no longer fit-for-purpose. Council is working hard to improve our open spaces and community assets, but is calling on the State and Federal Governments to support us in meeting the needs of our growing community.
Support for the McIvor Reserve Master Plan, which will include an indoor multi-sport facility and pavilion, upgraded surfacing and new and upgraded community spaces, including meeting rooms and exhibition spaces, is requested.
Maribyrnong City Council is requesting $5 million for a new pavilion at Hansen Reserve to service the needs of the tenant sports clubs and growing community.