The Footscray Smart City for Social Cohesion (SC2) Project stemmed from the Footscray University Town initiative, a partnership between Council and Victoria University which combines efforts of both organisations to align University, business and community interests and activities.
The SC2 Project was designed to use smart technologies to improve city performance and citizen experience, creating a smarter, more digitally engaged city. Smart movement counter sensors, air quality sensors, smart lighting, digital kiosks and an expansion of the free public wifi network are some of the key smart technology initiatives that were implemented across Footscray with installation of the smart hardware completed in July 2020.
A range of data from the smart sensors is being collected and VU students have been accessing data for use as part of their project work.
For further information on the SC2 Project, please see our media release A smarter, more digitally-engaged Footscray (29 January 2021).
If you would like to find out more about this project and opportunities to be involved in making Footscray a more digitally engaged city, then please get in touch with our Smart City team by email to
Image: Smart City movement counter installed on the Town Hall roof.
Image: Smart Kiosk installed in Nicholson Mall, Footscray