Saltriver Place Landscape Works

  • Project typeLandscape Construction
  • Project value$321,000
  • Completion Date15 December 2024
Saltriver Place.jpg

The unsealed car park at the end of Saltriver Place, Footscray is set to become new public open space.

Council endorsed the project in June 2023, with aims to enhance community amenities and promote active and passive recreational opportunities.

The works will include:

  • Resheeting at the termination of Saltriver Place.
  • Improved drainage works to the road reserve.
  • Installation of a footpath connection. 
  • Converting the gravel car park into a passive open space lawn area. 
  • Garden bed planting to the interface with residences. 
  • The installation of bollards.
  • Tree planting.
  • The installation of a picnic table.

The concept plan can be found in the related information section of this page. 

These works will prepare the site for community use as a new public open space. 

Timing of works

Works are scheduled to commence on 30 September, and it is anticipated they will be completed before the end of December, weather permitting. 

Work crews will be on site Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm.

How the works will impact you?

The car park will remain closed once construction works commence. 

There will be some increase traffic movements, including heavy machinery and/or delivery trucks, accessing the site. 

There will be some noise and dust from the site, but all efforts will be made to keep this to a minimum wherever possible.

Frequently asked questions

Can I use the car park during the works? 

No. The car park will remain closed once the construction works commence. 

When will the works be complete? 

It is anticipated that works will be completed in mid-December, weather permitted. 

Was the community engaged before a decision was made?

For information regarding how we engaged the community please visit Your City Your Voice, Council's community engagement platform.


1A Hopkins Street, Footscray 3011  View Map

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