The former Lae Street nursery site located at 4 Lae Street, West Footscray is set to become open space.
Council has endorsed a concept plan in December 2023, which will inform how this site is designed and constructed.
This concept plan has been developed via a deliberative engagement process with the Lae Street Nursery Advisory Group.
This first stage of works will include:
See attached documents for stage 1 plan.
These works will prepare the site for community use, acknowledging that future stages are required in order to deliver the endorsed concept plan.
Works are scheduled to commence in Mid-May beginning with site cleanup works.
Landscape construction is to be delivered in Late May with an anticipated completion in September 2024, subject to weather conditions.
Work crews will be on site Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm.
There will be some increase to traffic movements including heavy machinery and/or delivery trucks accessing the site.
The Lae Street nursery site will remain closed until the construction works are complete and the turf has established.
A McDonald reserve will remain open to the public.
There will be some noise from the site, but all efforts will be made to keep this to a minimum wherever possible.
No. The Reserve will remain closed until works have been complete and turf has established.
It is anticipated that Stage 1 works will be completed in September 2024.
For information regarding how we engaged the community please visit Your City Your Voice, Council's community engagement platform.
4 Lae Street, West Footscray 3012 View Map
4 Lae Street , West Footscray 3012