Footscray Park Projects

Footscray Park Entryway

Footscray Park is a regional open space, which includes the Thomson Water Gardens. The community utilises this space for a range of activities, and it is home to major festivals and events. It provides views to the city skyline, Flemington Racecourse and connections to the Maribyrnong River Trail.



Western Lawn Upgrade

Completed in June 2024. 


Playspace removal and future relocation

Works to commence in November 2024.

See below for further details.

Thomsons Water Gardens

 Works to commence in November 2024.

See below for further details.

Upcoming projects at Footscray Park 

Footscray Park Playspace Demolition

Construction dates: November 2024

From November 2024, the Footscray Park Playspace demolition works will be undertaken.

Works will include:

  • Fixtures, structures and items that are reusable will be dismantled and salvaged.
  • All remaining elements to be demolished and removed from site.
  • All disturbed areas to be reinstated.
  • Space to be returned as an open lawn area. 

Timing of works 

The site will remain closed until January 2025, or until the reinstated areas have properly established.

How will this impact you? 

  • Crews will be onsite between 7am-5pm Monday to Friday.
  • Temporary fencing will be installed around the perimeter of the works area. 
  • You may notice some associated noise and presence of construction vehicles on Farnsworth Avenue.
  • The shared access path will remain open for the duration of works and traffic management will be implemented to enable vehicle access to the site. 

Frequently asked questions

Why is the playspace being removed from Footscray Park?

The Footscray Park Playspace, which has been closed since it was inundated by flood waters during the October 2022 flood, will not reopen.

While Council understands the Footscray Park Playspace is much loved by the community, there is concern the physical proximity to the ponds poses an unacceptable risk to public safety, no matter what risk mitigations are put in place.

Council endorsed this decision in December 2023.

Will the playspace be relocated to another location within Footscray Park?

Alternative locations for the Playspace will be explored through the Footscray Park Master Plan process, which will commence following council elections with the Footscray Park Advisory Committee.  

Are the demolition works supported by Heritage Victoria?

All works delivered on this site are done so with Heritage Victoria approval.


Thomson Water Gardens

Construction dates: November 2024 

From November 2024, works at the Thomson Water Gardens will commence.

These works include:

  • removal of low insignificant vegetation and debris
  • routine tree maintenance 
  • irrigation installation
  • hoop edging installation
  • pavement and fencing installation
  • garden bed planting 
  • furniture refurbishment
  • sign installation

Note the following:

  • The above works are being completed in accordance with Heritage Victoria permit conditions.
  • Pond structural repairs are under design.

Timing of works 

Landscape works will be complete in January 2025. Further assessment is being undertaken on the ponds structure with the timing of the works to be confirmed. The Thomson Water Gardens will remain closed until all works are complete.

How will this impact you? 

  • Crews will be onsite between 7am-5pm Monday to Friday.
  • Temporary fencing will be retained around the perimeter of the works area. 
  • You may notice some associated noise and presence of construction vehicles in the Maribyrnong River car park.

Frequently asked questions

Why are the Thomson Water Gardens closed?

Works are required to address outstanding safety issues, identified by three independent experts.

In line with recommendations and approvals from Heritage Victoria, Council is dedicated to maintaining the heritage aspects of Footscray Park while addressing safety issues.

Are these works supported by Heritage Victoria?

All works delivered on this site are done so with Heritage Victoria approval.

Footscray Park Master Plan

Timing to be confirmed

Council is delivering a new Footscray Park Master Plan, which will be developed following conversations with the community. This process will be led by the Footscray Park Advisory Panel, which will represent the various community stakeholders at this site.

The Advisory Panel was appointed by Council decision in September 2024.





40 Maribyrnong Blvd, Footscray 3011  View Map

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