
Residential zones

There are four residential zones in the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme that protect the amenity and character of your neighbourhood, while allowing for housing growth in specific areas.

Neighbourhood residential zone (NRZ)

  • Applies to land affected by existing Heritage Overlay precincts, Neighbourhood Character Overlay precincts and Design and Development Overlay Schedule 10.
  • Supports minimal change and protection of neighbourhood character.
  • Limits development to nine (9) metres and two storeys in height.

General residential zone (GRZ)

  • Supports a variety of housing types including some medium density housing, while maintaining neighbourhood character.
  • Limits development to eleven (11) metres and three storeys in height.

Residential growth zone (RGZ)

  • Applies to two areas surrounding the Western Hospital Precinct.
  • Encourages housing growth and a mix of medium to higher density housing in the identified locations.
  • Provides a 13.5 metres discretionary height limit.

Mixed use zone (MUZ)

  • Supports a range of residential, commercial, industrial and other uses which complement the mixed-use function of the locality.
  • Provides housing at higher densities which responds to the existing or preferred character of an area.

Minimum Garden Area

The Minister for Planning has implemented minimum garden areas to the Neighbourhood Residential Zone and the General Residential Zone. The minimum garden area apply to all land within these zones and it is mandatory requirement (i.e cannot be varied).

For more information about minimum garden areas visit the Department of Transport and Planning's website and search for "garden areas".

Other zones

Activity Centre

  • Applied in central Footscray for retail, office, business, residential, entertainment and community uses.
  • Supports a mixture of uses and the intensive development of the activity centre

Commercial 1

  • Applied in mixed use commercial centres for retail, office, business, residential, entertainment and community uses.
  • Supports residential uses at densities complementary to the role and scale of the commercial centre.

Commercial 2

  • Encourages offices, appropriate manufacturing and industries, bulky goods retailing, other retail uses, and associated business and commercial services.
  • Ensures that uses do not affect the safety and amenity of the area.

Industrial 1

Provide for manufacturing industry, the storage and distribution of goods and associated uses in a manner which does not affect the safety and amenity of local communities.

Industrial 3

  • Applied to industrial areas where special consideration is required because of industrial traffic using residential roads, unusual noise or other emissions impacts, or to avoid inter-industrial conflict.
  • Applied as a buffer between the Industrial 1 or Industrial 2 Zone and residential areas.
  • Allows limited retail opportunities, including convenience shops, small scale supermarkets and associated shops in appropriate locations.

Public uses

  • Recognises the use of land for a public purpose, such as services and utility, education, health and community, transport, cemeteries and local government.
  • Allows associated uses that are consistent with the intent of the public land reservation or purpose.

How do you find out what zones apply to your land?

A Planning Property Report states the relevant zones that apply to a property. A Planning Property Report can be obtained from the State Government Land website.