Planning Scheme Amendments

The Maribyrnong Planning Scheme is not a static document and may be changed to reflect new circumstances.  Changes to the Scheme are known as amendments and the process for an amendment is set out in the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

View proposed amendments

You can inspect proposed amendments at Council’s offices, some local libraries, and the Planning Scheme Online website.

All Planning Scheme Amendments are placed on advertising (public exhibition) for a minimum of 1 month, unless the Minister for Planning provides an exemption.  Notice is given to Ministers, authorities and affected property owners and occupiers, as well as being placed in selected newspapers and the Victorian Government Gazette.

View current amendments

To have your say on an ongoing planning scheme amendment that affects you, please refer to Councils Your City Your Voice page to lodge a submission.

If submissions are received that cannot be resolved, Council will request the Minister for Planning to appoint an independent panel to consider the amendment and any submissions.

The panel will then hold a public hearing and make recommendations to Council. Council must then consider the panel’s report and either adopt it with or without changes, or abandon the proposed amendment.

Council is not obligated to adopt the panel’s recommendations, however, if Council chooses to vary or depart from the panel’s recommendations, it must justify its decision to the Minister for Planning.

An amendment becomes part of the planning scheme when it is approved by the Minister for Planning, and Notice is given in the Victorian Government Gazette. For more information, refer to Section 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Recent amendments

View recent amendments