Planning Scheme Amendment C185 - Administrative Amendment

Amendment C185 was prepared and approved by the Minister for Planning to correct obvious and technical errors in local policy and various zone and overlay schedules. This includes corrections to maps, updated land use terms, updated references to zones and other administrative corrections. 

About the Amendment

Amendment C185 changed the Planning Scheme at:

  • Clause 21.07 Housing to update the Housing Framework Plan, by correcting a mapping layering issue erroneously introduced by Amendment C108.
  • Schedule to 2 to Clause 32.08 General Residential Zone, by correcting the description of the name of area affected by the schedule.
  • Schedule 3 to Clause 37.01 Special Use Zone by:
    • replacing references to “Business 5 Zone” with “Commercial 1 Zone”.  
    • updating outdated content in the Table of uses Section 1, in relation to Clause 53.10 from “Must not be a purpose shown with a Note 1 or Note 2 in the table to Clause 53.10” to “Must not be a purpose listed in the table in Clause 53.10 with no threshold distance specified”.
  • Schedule 2 to Clause 37.02 Comprehensive Development Zone by replacing an outdated reference to “Tavern” with “Bar”.
  • Schedule 1 to Clause 37.08 Activity Centre Zone by:
    • Replacing an outdated reference to “Tavern” with “Bar”.
    • Correcting drafting error by replacing “Drive in theatre” with “Drive-in theatre”.
  • Schedule 12 to Clause 43.02 Design and Development Overlay by:
    • Replacing Map 2: Preferred Building Heights and Streetscape Treatments in Section 2.0 that corrects an error introduced by Amendment GC129.
    • Correcting the format of the heading for Figure 1: Preferred Setbacks of Upper Levels of Building.
  • Schedule 10 to Clause 43.04 Development Plan Overlay by correcting the orientation of the Indicative Development Plan map.
  • Schedule 13 to Clause 43.04 Development Plan Overlay by correcting the orientation of Map 1 to the Schedule to Clause 43.04.
  • Schedule 14 to Clause 43.04 Development Plan Overlay by correcting the orientation of Map 1 to the Schedule to Clause 43.04.
  • Schedule 17 to Clause 43.04 Development Plan Overlay by replacing Map 2: Preferred Building Heights and Streetscape Treatments in Section 7.0 with a new version that corrects an error on the existing map (whereby the activity centre boundary was omitted).

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning through a fast-track process under Section 20(4) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and was exempted from the usual exhibition and notification requirements.

Approval of the Amendment

The amendment was approved on 24 September 2024 and came into effect on 24 October 2024. Please refer to Planning Scheme Amendments Online for the approved documentation. 

More information

For more information about Amendment C185 please contact Council's Strategic Planning team by phoning 9688 0200 or by emailing