Amendment C135 - Highpoint Planning and Urban Design Framework

The Highpoint Planning and Urban Design Framework (PUDF) will guide future development in the Highpoint Activity Centre.

The Highpoint PUDF follows a number of previous strategies and studies including the Highpoint Activity Centre Structure Plan 2008 and the Northern Maribyrnong Integrated Transport Strategy(PDF, 5MB) .

Planning Scheme Amendment C135

To implement the strategic plan, an amendment to the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme was required. Amendment C135 was publicly exhibited from 9 October to 14 November 2014. All affected land owners and occupiers were notified of the amendment and provided with an opportunity to have their say on the draft PUDF and the Amendment.

The amendment:

  • Rezoned land within the Highpoint Activity Centre, including land currently zoned Industrial 3 Zone to the Commercial 1 Zone or Mixed Use Zone
  • Applied additional overlay controls to land, either a Design and Development Overlay (DDO) or Development Plan Overlay (DPO)
  • Removed the Incorporated Plan Overlay and associated references in the list of Incorporated Documents
  • Updated the Municipal Strategic Statement with a new local area policy for the Highpoint Activity Centre
  • Updated the reference documents listed in the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme
  • Applied the Environmental Audit Overlay to several sites

Please refer to the video below for more information about Amendment C135:

Amendment approval

The Minister for Planning has approved Amendment C135. Notice of approval was published in the Government Gazette on 1 September 2016. View the approved amendment documentation at Planning Scheme Amendments Online.

Prior to Ministerial approval, Council adopted the amendment at its 15 September 2015 meeting (Council and Special Committee Meetings SEP 15 2015 minutes(PDF, 268KB)).

Contact us

For more information contact:
City Strategy
03 9688 0200