Object to a planning application

Who can object to a planning application?

Any person who feels they may be adversely affected by the granting of a planning permit can lodge a formal objection with Council.

How do I make an objection?

Please complete the submission or objection to a planning permit form providing:

  • your full name, email address, contact telephone number/s and address
  • the ground/s for your objection
  • how you will be affected by the grant of a permit.

Please lodge your objection within the timeframe specified at the bottom of the Notice of Application and/or sign displayed at the site.

What happens after I lodge an objection?

We will email you an acknowledgement letter advising your objection has been registered. For petitions we will contact the nominated person or head petitioner.

We will notify you in writing of Council’s decision.

Planning forums

We may invite you to a planning forum to discuss your objection. Forums may be conducted via an online platform (i.e. Zoom) or in person. 

These forums provide an opportunity for the applicant and objectors to understand any issues with the application. It is not a decision making forum. 

Planning forums are chaired by Council officers and Councillors may attend and ask questions. Legal representation at planning forums is not encouraged.

Register attendance

If you wish to attend a forum, you must have submitted an objection to the planning proposal in writing and registered your attendance at least 48 hours prior.

Following the forum, the application is generally referred to the City Development Delegated Committee meeting for a decision.


An application may not be advertised if it is minor, routine or a noted exemption by law. In this instance, there is no opportunity to object to the application.