Pay Your DCP

Who pays the DCP?

Anyone who is undertaking a development is liable under the DCP. This includes construction of additional dwellings on a lot, the construction of industrial, commercial, or retail development (such as a factory, office, or retail outlet). It does not apply to renovations to an existing dwelling or renovations to industrial, commercial or retail development that does not increase the floor area. 

When must DCP payments be made?

This depends on what is proposed and the types of permits needed.  Payment for the Community Infrastructure Levy must be made no later then the date of issue of the building permit under the Building Act 1993

Payment for the Development Infrastructure Levy may be sought at the:

  • Planning permit stage (for building and works) - it must be paid before the start of construction. 
  • Building permit stage - it must be paid before the issue of a building permit under the Building Act 1993
  • Subdivision permit stage - it must be paid before the a Statement of Compliance is issued for subdivision.

Pay your DCP now

Request an invoice

To pay the DCP levy you need to be issued an invoice from Council with a valid reference number.  If you don't have an invoice please make a request for a DCP invoice