DCP Levy Tables for the 2024/2025 Financial Year

Residential Development

Below you will find a breakdown of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Development Infrastructure Levy (DIL) components that make up the total DCP levy for residential developments.  The figures should be used as a guide only for the purposes of calculating an estimate.

DCP charge area costs are subject to CPI adjustments each year.  Use our DCP charge area map to find out what DCP charge area your development is located in.

If you are unsure about what levy to pay, you will need to contact Council's Financial Services DCP Accountant by emailing dcp@maribyrnong.vic.gov.au or phone 9688 0200.

Charge Area
($ per dwelling)

($ per dwelling)

($ per dwelling)

Area 1A - - -
Area 1B 835 304 1,139
Area 1C 1,365 304 1,668
 Area 1D 1,162 304 1,466
 Area 1E 1,653 304 1,956
 Area 1F 1,386 304 1,690
 Area 2A 1,103 304 1,406
 Area 2B 1,571 304 1,875
 Area 3A 2,122 304 2,426
 Area 3B 2,466 304 2,769
 Area 3C 2,061 304 2,365
 Area 4 1,374 310 1,684
 Area 5A 1,125 457 1,582
 Area 5B 1,025 457 1,482
 Area 5C 1,101 457 1,558
 Area 5D 1,482 457 1,940
 Area 5E 882 457 1,339
 Area 6A 1,790 310 2,099
 Area 6B 1,518 310 1,828
 Area 6C 1,895 310 2,205
 Area 6D 1,515 310 1,824

Retail Development

Below you will find the DCP levy for retail development.  The figures should be used as a guide only for the purposes of calculating an estimate.  There is no CIL component to the levy for retail development.

DCP charge area costs are subject to CPI adjustments each year.  Use our DCP charge area map to find out what DCP charge area your development is located in.

 Charge Area
($ per sqm of floor space)
Area 1A  -
Area 1B 9.23
Area 1C 23.09
Area 1D 14.22
Area 1E 16.30
Area 1F 11.47
Area 2A 22.75
Area 2B 44.93
Area 3A 44.83
Area 3B 35.84
Area 3C 44.16
Area 4 18.55
Area 5A 16.06
Area 5B 10.82
Area 5C 17.14
Area 5D 38.82
Area 5E 6.69
Area 6A 27.54
Area 6B 9.72
Area 6C 27.06
Area 6D 22.78

Commercial Development

Below you will find the DCP levy for commercial development.  The figures should be used as a guide only for the purposes of calculating an estimate.  There is no CIL component to the levy for commercial development.

DCP charge area costs are subject to CPI adjustments each year.  Use our DCP charge area map to find out what DCP charge area your development is located in.

Charge Area
($ per sqm of floor space)

Area 1A
Area 1B 5.95
Area 1C 13.30
Area 1D 11.91
Area 1E 12.23
Area 1F 6.58
Area 2A 8.08
Area 2B 11.56
Area 3A 11.85
Area 3B 13.74
Area 3C 12.70
Area 4 14.57
Area 5A 7.82
Area 5B 7.00
Area 5C 8.27
Area 5D 11.31
Area 5E 6.35
Area 6A 12.53
Area 6B 6.31
Area 6C 10.52
Area 6D 9.84

Industrial Development

Below you will find the DCP levy for industrial development.  The figures should be used as a guide only for the purposes of calculating an estimate.  There is no CIL component to the levy for industrial development.

DCP charge area costs are subject to CPI adjustments each year.  Use our DCP charge area map to find out what DCP charge area your development is located in.

Charge Area DIL
($ per sqm of floor space)
 Area 1A -
 Area 1B 2.17
 Area 1C 5.58
 Area 1D 3.07
 Area 1E 3.66
 Area 1F 2.77
 Area 2A 6.00
 Area 2B 12.29
 Area 3A 12.23
 Area 3B 9.35
 Area 3C 11.72
 Area 4 4.09
 Area 5A 4.03
 Area 5B 2.54
 Area 5C 4.31
 Area 5D 10.32
 Area 5E 1.37
 Area 6A 6.96
 Area 6B 2.28
 Area 6C 7.05
 Area 6D 5.83