Council and committee meetings

Availability of agendas and minutes

Agendas are made publicly available the Friday prior to the Tuesday evening's meeting.  Minutes of meetings are made publicly available as soon as practicable following the meeting.

Visit the agendas and minutes page to view meeting documentation.

Commencement times and venues

All meetings of Council and the City Development Delegated Committee generally commence at 6.30pm and are open to the public.  Meetings are held at the Council Chamber in the Braybrook Community Hub, 107-139 Churchill Avenue, Braybrook, unless otherwise advised.

For all Council and Delegated Committee meetings please refer to the schedule of meeting dates.

Public Question Time 

Public Question Time is a means by which the public can seek responses from Council about issues affecting them. Council allows 15 minutes for public question time at its monthly Council Meeting and City Development Delegated Committee.

A maximum of three questions per person can be submitted until the commencement of the relevant meeting via the online Public Question Form or provided in hard copy at the meeting to a Council officer.

Where a meeting is being held online only, public question submissions close at 12pm on the day of that meeting, and a maximum of three questions per person can be submitted via the online Public Question Form.

Where a meeting is being held in person, the Chair has the discretion to allow a person to ask their question to the meeting. A person asking a question at a meeting must firstly identify themselves by stating their name and suburb, The Chair may require a question to be taken on notice with a response included as an attachment to the relevant minutes.

Please note that public question time is not an opportunity to express personal views or opinions.

If you would like to ask a question during a Council or Committee meeting please complete the online Public Question Time Form, prior to the commencement of the relevant meeting. 

Public Question Time Form

Community participation in Council and Delegated Committee Meetings is encouraged and outlined in Division 8, Part C of Council’s Meeting Procedure, as contained in Council's Governance Rules. Public Question Time will take place at Council Meetings. Any question submitted may be disallowed if the Chair determines that it:

  • Relates to a matter outside the duties, functions and powers of Council;
  • Is defamatory, indecent, abusive, offensive, irrelevant, trivial or objectionable in language or substance;
  • is a question considered similar and not materially different to a question that has previously been submitted to a Council meeting and has been responded to within the past three months
  • Is aimed at embarrassing a Councillor or a member of Council staff; or
  • Relates to personnel matters, the personal hardship of any resident or ratepayer, industrial matters, contractual matters, proposed developments, legal advice, matters affecting the security of Council property, or to any other matter which Council considers would prejudice Council or any person.


What is a petition?

A petition is a written request to Council that has been signed by multiple people. Petitions can express concern about an issue and can request Council to consider taking a specific action or actions.

Council will accept written and online petitions submitted in accordance with its Governance Rules.

A minimum of 10 signatories is required for a petition to be accepted by Council.

A petition must be lodged with Council no less than 7 days before the Council Meeting at which it is intended to be tabled.

A petition must:

  • be addressed to the Council, Mayor or Councillor;
  • include the whole of the petition text (i.e. what is being asked of Council to consider) at the top of each page;
  • contain the names, addresses and handwritten original signatures (for written petitions);
  • be legible and permanent writing (for written petitions);
  • not relate to matters outside powers of Council; and
  • be legible and not be defamatory, indecent, abusive or objectionable in language or substance.

Online Petition Requirements

Online petitions will be accepted if Council is satisfied that the petition is has been distributed via a legitimate website.

All online petitions must contain as a minimum the name, email address and address, suburb or postcode of each signatory.

An online petition will not be presented to a Council Meeting if it contains content or signatures that appear to be false or misleading.

The petition must nominate a contact person and their details so Council can contact you to acknowledge the receipt of the petition and advise you after the petition has been received at a Council meeting.

It is the responsibility of the petition organiser to contact other signatories to the petition to inform them of its progress.

Please see a sample of an acceptable petition below.

How do I submit a petition?

Once the petition is complete, it can be emailed to or sent to:

Maribyrnong City Council
Attn: Governance
PO Box 58
West Footscray  VIC  3012