About the City Development Delegated Committee
The City Development Delegated Committee (CDDC) was established by Council pursuant to section 63 of the Local Government Act 2020 on 18 August 2020.
The CDDC has been delegated certain functions and powers to make decisions in relation to:
- statutory planning and building controls
- heritage
- strategic planning including land use, development contributions and transport planning
- planning scheme amendments
- urban design
- public space (strategic)
- economic development.
Community Participation at CDDC Meetings
Requests to Address the CDDC
Community members can speak about an item on the meeting agenda for up to three minutes per speaker before the CDDC considers the item.
Where more than 10 requests to speak are received by representatives of a group or organisation for the same agenda item, a spokesperson will be required to be appointed by the group, and that spokesperson will be allocated a maximum of five minutes to address the CDDC.
If you would like to speak at a CDDC Meeting in relation to an item on the agenda, please complete the Request to Address the Delegated Committee online form.
Requests to address must be submitted no later than 12pm on the day of the meeting.