Fraud and Corruption Control
Council is committed to protecting its revenue, expenditure and assets from any attempt by members of the public, contractors, agents, intermediaries, volunteers, Councillors or its own employees to gain financial or other benefits by deceit, bias or dishonest conduct.
Council is committed to the highest level of ethical conduct and integrity and to protecting its revenue, expenditure and property from fraud and corruption. All staff, Councillors, volunteers and contractors are required to act with integrity at all times and refrain from fraudulent or corrupt conduct. Council's Fraud and Corruption Control Policy (the Policy) sets out specific guidelines and responsibilities regarding appropriate actions that must be followed to prevent, detect, report and manage fraud and corruption across the organisation.
Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012
The purpose of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012 (The Act) is to enable people to make disclosures about improper conduct within the public sector without fear of reprisal. The Act aims to ensure openness and accountability by encouraging people to make disclosures and protecting them when they do.
How to make a public interest disclosure
Disclosures about Councillors
Disclosures about improper conduct by Councillors must be made directly to the Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission (IBAC) or the Victorian Ombudsman.
To make a disclosure to IBAC, phone 1300 735 135 and request a form be posted to you, or complete the secure online form, or download a complaint form from IBAC's website.
To make a disclosure to the Victorian Ombudsman complete the secure online form.
Disclosures about Council Staff
Disclosures about Council staff can also be made direct to IBAC as above, or made with Council's Public Interest Disclosure Coordinator by calling 03 9688 0200, or emailing
For further information, please refer to the Fraud and Corruption Framework and the Public Interest Disclosure Procedure.