Central Registration System

Central Registration System Image

For your child to be eligible for community managed long day childcare, 3-year-old kindergarten and 4-year-old kindergarten you must register them on our Central Registration System (CRS). 

Registrations can be done online by creating a CRS account or you can download the CRS Application Form(PDF, 1MB). When sending your completed CRS application form to us please ensure that you attach copies of all the required documentation to avoid any unnecessary delays with your registration. For kindergartens in your area find a kinder program.

Before you create a CRS account

Before you create an account via our CRS we recommend you have the following documents at hand and in electronic format, if applicable:

  • Proof of your child's identity such as a birth certificate, a passport or your child's immunisation record.
  • Proof of your place of residence that clearly states your name and address such as an electricity bill, a property lease agreement or driver's licence.
  • Documents from Family Support Services or a Maternal and Child Health nurse confirming high support needs and/or disability or a letter from a doctor for children with complex medical needs.
  • Subsidy cards and/or immigration visas.

For more information, please download the CRS Information for Families.(PDF, 4MB) 

Watch our CRS videos

To assist you with how the CRS works we've created a suite of videos.  Under the main video you'll find four additional videos with captions in other languages.

If you have any questions about the CRS, or experience any issues with registering your child, please contact our friendly Early Years team by calling 9688 0116 or send us an email to kindergarten@maribyrnong.vic.gov.au


Watch the video with
Chin Haka captioning

Watch the video with
Simplified Chinese captioning

Watch the video with
Vietnamese captioning

Watch the video with
Arabic captioning

Frequently Asked Questions

3 year old and 4 year old kindergarten allocations timeline 2025

4 year old kindergarten allocations

Round 2 allocations                                                     6 September 2024 
Round 3 allocations   Week commencing 9 September 2024 
Round 4 allocations 

 Week commencing 16 September 2024, ongoing after fourth round offers       


3 year old kindergarten allocations

Round 1 allocations                      Week commencing 23 September 2024  
Round 2-4 allocations   October 2024


Neighbourhood Area Weighting

This will give families an extra weighting for 3 year old and 4 year old sessional kindergarten if they note a service within the precinct encompassing their residential address as their first preference.

What does kindergarten cost?

All children enrolled in a funded kindergarten program at a participating service are eligible for Free Kinder from 2023.

Free kinder supports families to access a funded kindergarten program by:

  • providing a free 15-hour program to four-year-old children enrolled at a sessional service
  • providing a free 5-to-15-hour program for three-year-old children enrolled in a sessional service (subject to the length of funded program offered)
  • offsetting the funded kindergarten program component of parent fees for three and four-year-old children enrolled at a long day childcare service.


What are the differences between Sessional Kindergarten and Integrated Kindergarten?

Below is a description of the two types of kindergarten programs to help you find the right program to suit your family's needs.


 Sessional Kindergarten (standalone)  Integrated Kindergarten (Long Day Childcare)  

Daily Fees Payable

 No Yes 

Childcare Subsidy (CCS)

 No  Yes

Set days and times (2 or 3 days per week)

 Yes  No

Long Day Program (up to 5 days per week)

 No  Yes

Before and After Care

 No  Yes

Meals Provided

 No  Yes

Up to 15 hours of funded kindergarten each week 

 Yes  Yes

Operates during school terms

Yes   Care available in school holidays

Quality Kindergarten Program

Yes  Yes

Play Based Learning 

Yes   Yes

Which Sessional and Integrated Kindergartens are on the Central Register?

Service Name 

Sessional Kindergarten

Integrated Kindergarten

Angliss Children's Centre Yes Yes
Billy Button Children's Centre Yes Yes
Braybrook ELC Yes No
Brenbeal Children's Centre Yes - 4yo only Yes
Bulldogs Community Children's Centre No Yes
Cherry Crescent Preschool Yes No
Church St Children's Centre Yes Yes
Gowrie Clare Court Yes Yes
Kingsville Kindergarten Yes No
Dobson Kindergarten Yes No
Maribyrnong Kindergarten Yes  No
Maribyrnong River Children's Centre No Yes
Merriwa Kindergarten Yes No
Norfolk St Childcare Centre No Yes
Yarraville Kindergarten Yes No
Nth Maidstone Kindergarten Yes No
Saltwater Childcare Centre No Yes
Randall Street Kindergarten Yes No

What is the Long Day Child Care Preferred Start Date/Active Date?

When choosing a preferred start date, consider that the majority of places become available at the beginning of each year. There is no guarantee a place will be available by your nominated start date.

A child will begin appearing on their chosen services waitlists the month before their preferred start date. From October each year children with preferred start dates up to and including 31 January the following year will appear on the waitlists.

If you change your preferred start date, you would need to be prepared to accept a place any time after the new date in order to secure a childcare place.

Why do I need to register through the CRS?

Registering through the CRS is the only way your child can access a place at one of the 17 community-managed services who are partners to the system.

We recommend you select up to four different services to increase your chances of being offered a place.

What is a community managed children’s service?

Community managed means the long day childcare and/or kindergarten service is operated by a Committee of Management or an Early Years Manager (not for profit agencies).

Does Council manage long day childcare and kindergarten services?

No we don't. We administer the CRS and provide and maintain many of the facilities for community-managed services. We also help connect families and children to other support services.

Council does not manage a registration system for private long day childcare centres. We encourage families to make contact with them. This broadens their opportunities of finding a place when they need it.

When do I register?

Registrations can be made at any time after the birth of a child.

How do I register?

Registrations can occur via the online portal or using a paper application form.

We recommend you look at the CRS video and refer to the Families Information Sheet to find out more information.

Related Information

Can I register for multiple services?

You can register each child for long day childcare, three year old and four year old kindergarten programs on the same application.

Once registered you can update your preferences and/or apply for a new service through the online portal or by contacting the Maribyrnong City Council CRS Team.

If one of my children already attends a service, do I need to register my other children through the CRS?

Yes. Each child must have their own application and be individually registered.

Does my child have to be immunised?

The No Jab, No Play" Victorian Government Legislation requires children to be immunised to attend long day childcare and/or kindergarten. You will need to provide a copy of the Immunisation Schedule so your child can enrol in any long day childcare and/or kindergarten service.

Immunisation sessions are offered through the Maribyrnong City Council Immunisation Service.

Related Information

What are the key changes to the CRS that have been made in response to the recent review?

Adjustments to the Priority of Access weightings

Introduction of a “Neighborhood Area” weighting

This will give families an extra weighting if they note a service within the precinct encompassing their residential address as their first preference.

The extra weighting for children who attend three year old kindergarten and note the same service as their first preference for four year old kindergarten (residents only) will be retained.

A weighting also applies for children who attend a service that offers both integrated long day and sessional kindergarten programs (i.e. Gowrie Clare Court, Church St Children’s Centre and Angliss Children’s Centre).

Families whose child is in the LDC program and wish to take up the option of the sessional kindergarten program at that service will need to ensure they have registered their preference for the sessional  program through the CRS system. This will enable them to be part of the allocation process.

Families will be given an extra weighting for sessional kindergarten at that service, however a place cannot be guaranteed.

Adjustments to CRS administration process

During the allocation of sessional kindergarten places, the first three rounds will only consider the family’s first preference. Following the first three rounds, allocation rounds will include all listed services. Please note there is no placed and waitlisted option for kindergarten.

Will the changes to the CRS alter my child's place on the waitlist?

Registrations and waitlists are impacted by factors such as:

  • Families wanting places in high demand services
  • Families accepting or declining places
  • The weighting for each child’s registration which is calculated in line with the PoA guidelines

Children eligible for Early Start Kindergarten or with assessed high support needs are given the highest priority at all times.

Due to the above factors we are unable to make assurances to a family on when their placement will happen.